
Here at the Shotglass, the most important thing next to Lost and Dharmabeer, is having FUN.

Here we will be posting videos that make us laugh, make us cry or just make us think.

If you have any funny suggestions for videos or any fanmade videos you would like to contribute, please email Toni or Niki

Monday, August 25, 2008


found by NIKI
Here's a great video set to the song "Paper Planes" by M.I.A....I love this song!!!

GREAT LOST trailer

found by NIKI
Fan made trailer for season 4....

How to play LIFE AND DEATH from the tv show LOST

found by NIKI
Here's a vid showing you how to play LIFE AND DEATH from LOST. This tune usually plays whenever someone dies on the show.....

Dharma Dramatic Look

found by NIKI
Ever seen that wierd Prairie Dog that stares??? Well check this out...LOST STYLE!!!