
Here at the Shotglass, the most important thing next to Lost and Dharmabeer, is having FUN.

Here we will be posting videos that make us laugh, make us cry or just make us think.

If you have any funny suggestions for videos or any fanmade videos you would like to contribute, please email Toni or Niki

Friday, June 20, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

Kate's strange phone call...WTF did it say? SEASON 4 FINALE

Here is the dream sequence in which Kate gets a strange phone call in the middle of the night before she sees Ghost Claire in Aaron's room.
The voice on the other end was Backwards Speak on the phone...WHEN it is PLAYED forward it sounds like this...

"The Island needs you. You have to go back before it's too late."

Video from youtube. Posted here by NIKI

What Sawyer told Kate on the helicopter. SEASON 4 FINALE

We all suspected that Sawyer told Kate something about Clemetine(his daughter) whom he abandoned back home. This has to be the promise that Kate keeps in the future which enrages Jack with JEALOUSY... Here's the scene again with subtitles that reveal what Sawyer told Kate.

Video from Youtube. Posted here by NIKI